The columbarium niches, cremation niches in Block C are modern and unique. The columbarium niche comes with single, double, non-religioius or buddhist selection.
White porcelain and golden flower, which are tastefully decorated with rhinestone, eliciting elegance, purity and tranquility.
白色瓷器和金色花朵,装饰高雅,采用水钻,引出优雅,纯净和宁静。 Video / 视频
Attaining 32 forms of Bodhisattva to save sentient beings from all sufferings,in leading to the right path。这间骨灰塔拥有唐彩观音菩萨,拯救所有受苦的众生,从而走向正确的道路。 Video / 视频
Suitable for customers of any religion. First blessing hall with garden theme, surrounded with lotus flower gleams.
适合任何宗教的客户。第一个带花园主题的福位厅,周围环绕着莲花花。 Video / 视频
Golden color scheme was chosen for the atrium, representation of the Land of Ultimate Bliss, full of seven treasures pool. 中庭选择了金色配色方案,代表了极致幸福之地,充满了七个宝藏池。 Video / 视频
The only columbarium that allows sunlight to enter. According to Feng Shui, white represents innocence and perfection, just like paradise on earth. 唯一一间可以让阳光透进的灵位纪念阁, 风水解说 白色为主,代表无瑕和完美,就像人间天堂。
Suitable for customers of any religion. Designed with Lily as the niche door panel.
Suite 76 迎正阁 – 无量光佛 恒光照耀极乐土,接引西方永离苦。
Suite 77 迎善阁 – The only columbarium in Block C that houses both Niches and Ancestor Tablets. 这是聚福殿里唯一一间拥有骨灰福位和神祖牌在一起的骨灰殿。
Suite 78 迎曦阁 The front panel of the niche is built with Dharma Wheel.
骨灰位前门有菩提常转法轮 Video / 视频
Suitable for customers of any religion. Peonies are incorporated as the main design element for the individual niches. Known as the flower of riches and honors.
适合任何宗教的客户。 牡丹作为灵位的主要设计元素。被称为财富和荣誉之花。 Video / 视频
Suite 85 迎莲阁 This columbarium is a rare suite that consists of both niche and ancestral tablet in the same room. Every niche is mounted with 3D Buddha Statue at the door panel. The ancestral tablets are glossy white crystal. 这是富贵山庄少数拥有骨灰位和神主牌在同一个房间的骨灰殿。每个骨灰位都有立体的佛像。 More/更多
Suite 88 – Newest family columbarium in Nirvana Singapore. It comes with both niches and ancestral tablet as a set. The capacity is up to 12 urns and 12 names for the tablets.
富贵山庄最新的家庭式骨灰位。它配有骨灰龛和祖先牌位。最多可容纳 12 个骨灰瓮和 12 个牌位名字。
Suite 87 迎慈阁 – This new suite is rare and one of the few suites that consists of both columbarium niche and ancestral tablet inside the room. It is a Build-to-Order (BTO) columbarium which is estimated to be ready by October 2025. The suite is based on the theme of Guanyin Bodhisattva. 是富贵山庄为数不多的同时拥有骨灰塔和神主牌位的骨灰福位厅。迎慈阁预计将于 2025 年 10 月竣工。福位厅主要以观世音菩萨为主题,骨灰位拥有别具一格的内部装饰,搭配可爱小巧的小家具。 More/更多
Suite 89 迎瑞阁 – This columbarium is a modern suite that consists of Buddha statue and seats in the room. The inner design of the niche symbolizes Longevity, Prosperity and Wealth. 这骨灰殿拥有佛祖神像和舒适的座位。灵骨塔独特的设计包括法轮常转、净除一切业障、具有不可思议之功德利益。
Suite 90 迎念阁 Non-religious columbarium, suitable for all the religion. 无宗教限制骨灰位,适合任何宗教。 Video / 视频
S91 Ying Jing Ge 迎静阁 The Majestic Lord Amitabha Buddha, sits calmly on a golden lotus and the splendor of the Buddha’s light illuminates in all ten directions, leading sentient beings to the Land of Bliss. 雄伟庄严的阿弥陀佛 ,端坐于金莲台上, 亭亭玉立, 不染凡尘, 金色豪光照耀十方, 接引先贤永登极乐净土, 恩德典范代代永流传。 Video / 视频
Suite 92 迎福阁 The columbarium is estimated to be ready by 28 February 2025. There is 彌勒佛 sitting in front of the suite to bless all the niches. 将在2025年2月28日建成。骨灰殿拥彌勒佛坐镇,整洁与光亮的空间,让人感觉舒适。 More/更多
Suite 93 慈航阁 – This room is mainly dominated by the Avalokiteshvara Buddha (千手观音菩萨). Also, there is one Avalokiteshvara Buddha built inside every niche. 骨灰殿中央有千手千眼观音菩萨,而每一个福位里面都有专属的一尊观音菩萨。 More/更多