Suite-2-怀恩阁 The statue of Buddha placed inside this columbarium offers blessings and best wishes for all dearly departed. 这间骨灰殿内的佛像为所有的骨灰位祈福和保佑子孙后代。
Suite-2-怀恩阁 The statue of Buddha placed inside this columbarium offers blessings and best wishes for all dearly departed. 这间骨灰殿内的佛像为所有的骨灰位祈福和保佑子孙后代。
Suite-5A-颂恩阁 The sitting area of this columbaria is very comfortable and families gathered here cannot resist the temptation to extend their visits.适合家庭成员聚集,一起祭拜祖先。Video / 视频
Suite-5A-颂恩阁 The sitting area is as tempting as the rest and families gathered here cannot resist the temptation to extend their visits. 骨灰殿主要以金色骨灰位为主,且其中带有白色骨灰位,地上与天花板也是金色象征满屋黄金。
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Suite-6A-永恩阁 This columbarium suite is elegantly designed and emits a peaceful and welcoming tone. 此骨灰殿的设计典雅, 散发出宁静温馨的气氛。
Suite-6A-永恩阁 This columbarium suite is elegantly designed and emits a peaceful and welcoming tone. 此骨灰殿的设计典雅, 散发出宁静温馨的气氛。
Suite-7B-亲恩阁 This columbarium suite enables visitors to tap their respective cards and the niche panel lights up immediately showing them the position of their niches. 到访者可以扫描富贵山庄配置的会员卡, 这时骨灰灵位面板会自动亮灯, 显示所在的位置。
Suite-7B-亲恩阁 This columbarium suite enables visitors to tap their respective cards and the niche panel lights up immediately showing them the position of their niches. 到访者可以扫描富贵山庄配置的会员卡, 这时骨灰灵位面板会自动亮灯, 显示所在的位置。
Suite-8A 云恩阁 This columbarium suite is the one in Block A that does not lean on any religion and the only niche design with a flower. 此骨灰殿是A座中适合任何宗教的骨灰位,无宗教色彩。
Suite-8A 云恩阁 This columbarium suite is the one in Block A that does not lean on any religion and the only niche design with a flower. 此骨灰殿是A座中适合任何宗教的骨灰位,无宗教色彩。
Suite-8B-浩恩阁 This columbaria suite reflects the essence and spirit of "Noble Eightfold Path" leading to enlightenment .骨灰位设计呈托出“八正道”的精神和启蒙。Video / 视频
Suite-8B-浩恩阁 This columbaria suite reflects the essence and spirit of "Noble Eightfold Path" leading to enlightenment .骨灰位设计呈托出“八正道”的精神和启蒙。
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Suite-9B-荣恩阁 A columbarium suite that signifies a steady overall style with the "Flourishing Bodhi" niche facade, constitutes the serenity of an eternal resting place.. 通过“菩提”骨灰位外观标志着稳定的整体风格, 朔造永恒安息之地。Video / 视频
Suite-9B-荣恩阁 A columbarium suite that signifies a steady overall style with the "Flourishing Bodhi" niche facade, constitutes the serenity of an eternal resting place.. 通过“菩提”骨灰位外观标志着稳定的整体风格, 朔造永恒安息之地。
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Suite-10A-慧恩阁 This is one of the columbarium suite room in Block A that does not lean on any religion and the only niche design with a flower. 这骨灰殿是A座中其中一个适合任何宗教,骨灰位是带花设计的。Video / 视频
Suite-10A-慧恩阁 This is one of the columbarium suite room in Block A that does not lean on any religion and the only niche design with a flower. 这骨灰殿是A座中其中一个适合任何宗教,骨灰位是带花设计的。
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Suite-10B-念恩阁 The columbarium niches are equipped with the advanced and computerized identification system for access. 此骨灰塔配备先进的电脑识别系统,保护隐私权。Video / 视频
Suite-10B-念恩阁 The columbarium niches are equipped with the advanced and computerized identification system for access. 此骨灰塔配备先进的电脑识别系统,保护隐私权。
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Suite-11-蓬莱阁 The walls of this columbarium suite are arranged in the form of columns like a book shelf, brings about a mix of sophistication and tradition. 此骨灰塔是由像书架一样的柱子排列组成, 呈献出精致和传统的结合。Video / 视频
Suite-11-蓬莱阁 The walls of this columbarium suite are arranged in the form of columns like a book shelf, brings about a mix of sophistication and tradition. 此骨灰塔是由像书架一样的柱子排列组成, 呈献出精致和传统的结合。
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Suite-12-莲花阁 The walls of this columbarium suite are arranged in the form of columns like a book shelf, brings about a mix of sophistication and tradition. 此骨灰塔是由像书架一样的柱子排列组成, 呈献出精致和传统的结合。Video / 视频
Suite-12-莲花阁 The walls of this columbarium suite are arranged in the form of columns like a book shelf, brings about a mix of sophistication and tradition. 此骨灰塔是由像书架一样的柱子排列组成, 呈献出精致和传统的结合。
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Suite-13A-永乐阁 This columbarium has mixture of gold surface and elegant sculptures, exuding a quiet charm, alike to the spiritual state of the ancestors. 此灵骨塔混合着金色的表面和优雅雕塑, 散发出宁静的魅力。Video / 视频
Suite-13A-永乐阁 This columbarium has mixture of gold surface and elegant sculptures, exuding a quiet charm, alike to the spiritual state of the ancestors. 此灵骨塔混合着金色的表面和优雅雕塑, 散发出宁静的魅力。
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Suite-5B-合悦阁 (Family Columbarium Niches) Nirvana’s unique and deluxe Family Suite is catered to customers who want to have the privilege to be together, even in their afterlife. Family Suite ranges from 8, 12, 16, to 24 urns. 独特而豪华的家庭式骨灰塔,适合那些即使往生后也想幸聚在一起的亲戚家族。每个骨灰塔中可以容纳8、12、16到24个的骨灰位。
Columbarium Niche Family 9A
Suite-9A (Family Columbarium Niches) Nirvana’s unique and deluxe Family Suite is catered to customers who want to have the privilege to be together, even in their afterlife. Family Suite ranges from 8, 12, 16, to 24 urns. 独特而豪华的家庭式骨灰塔,适合那些即使往生后也想幸聚在一起的亲戚家族。每个骨灰塔中可以容纳8、12、16到24个的骨灰位。
Nirvana Singapore 富贵山庄 Ju-Xian-Dian-聚仙殿

