Read more about the article New Launch Columbarium Suite 87 迎慈阁
Suite 87 迎慈阁 - This new suite is rare and one of the few suites that consists of both columbarium niche and ancestral tablet inside the room. It is a Build-to-Order (BTO) columbarium which is estimated to be ready by October 2025. The suite is based on the theme of Guanyin Bodhisattva. 是富贵山庄为数不多的同时拥有骨灰塔和神主牌位的骨灰福位厅。迎慈阁预计将于 2025 年 10 月竣工。福位厅主要以观世音菩萨为主题,骨灰位拥有别具一格的内部装饰,搭配可爱小巧的小家具。

New Launch Columbarium Suite 87 迎慈阁

The newly launched 【Suite 87 迎慈阁】is located in Block C of Nirvana Singapore.This is one of the few columbarium suites in Nirvana Singapore that has the niche and ancestral tablet…

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